About Me

I am a wife, mother and grandmother. I am a Christian and try to live as Jesus did.

Monday, May 27, 2024

The Hudson Collection by Jocelyn Green

 I won an ARC of this book through Librarything. This review is fully my own opinion and freely given.

I have not read any books from this author and I did enjoy this book. It flowed very well and the story was interesting. The characters were well-developed as well.

There were a few errors in editing but not enough to make reading difficult. The errors did not detract much at all.

I can usually guess the ending of a book but not this one. It kept my interest throughout.

This is a Christian book but not at all preachy. If you are looking for a clean, historical fiction slight mystery you will enjoy this book.

I give this a 5 out of 5 star rating.

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